I just thinking about all the bad days
We’ve been through these past years
All the lonesome world’s has given us
Getting driven us into more obvious
And the reality becomes subsequent
It’s a trick to our little mind concept
Two eyes turn to one eye vision
Pushing all of us for what we’re not
A million way of surviving is wasted
Bringing into a lost signal of life
Living in a “brilliant” cyberspace
Connecting real to a mortal world
It took time to find what’s worth
We usually walk down the streets
Crave watching sky and citylights
Do we have it now for just a truth?
Static border, the underground drip
We found two intersections in front
Make the best choice but full of creep
Should we follow the heart to choose?
We can’t pretend we don’t need to defend
We know we’ve spent some time lying
About the life we live that we can’t deny
Maybe it’s time for us to mend our minds.